Lets see if we can detect this not from environment vars
ETW logging inited in mscorwks.dll!CEtwTracer::Register:
lea rcx, aEtwenabled ; "ETWEnabled"
mov [rsp+168h+var_148], 0
lea r9d, [rdx+1]
lea r8d, [rdx+7]
call ?GetConfigDWORD@EEConfig@@SAKPEBGKKHW4ConfigSearch@1@@Z
test eax, eax
jz loc_6427F59447D ; skip
lea rcx, aAdvapi32_dll_3 ; "advapi32.dll"
call cs:__imp_GetModuleHandleW
test rax, rax
mov cs:?m_hModule@CEtwTracer@@0PEAUHINSTANCE__@@EA, rax ; HINSTANCE__ * CEtwTracer::m_hModule
jz loc_6427F594473
lea rdx, aRegistertraceg ; "RegisterTraceGuidsW"
mov rcx, rax ; hModule
call cs:__imp_GetProcAddress
mov rcx, cs:?m_hModule@CEtwTracer@@0PEAUHINSTANCE__@@EA ; hModule
lea rdx, aUnregistertrac ; "UnregisterTraceGuids"
mov cs:?g_pufnRegisterTraceGuids@@3P6AKP6AKW4WMIDPREQUESTCODE@@PEAXPEAK1@Z1PEBU_GUID@@KPEAU_TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION@@PEBG6PEA_K@ZEA, rax ; ulong (*g_pufnRegisterTraceGuids)(ulong (*)(WMIDPREQUESTCODE,void *,ulong *,void *),void *,_GUID const *,ulong,_TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION *,ushort const *,ushort const *,unsigned __int64 *)
call cs:__imp_GetProcAddress
mov rcx, cs:?m_hModule@CEtwTracer@@0PEAUHINSTANCE__@@EA ; hModule
lea rdx, aGettracelogger ; "GetTraceLoggerHandle"
mov cs:?g_pufnUnregisterTraceGuids@@3P6AK_K@ZEA, rax ; ulong (*g_pufnUnregisterTraceGuids)(unsigned __int64)
call cs:__imp_GetProcAddress
mov rcx, cs:?m_hModule@CEtwTracer@@0PEAUHINSTANCE__@@EA ; hModule
lea rdx, aGettraceenable ; "GetTraceEnableLevel"
mov cs:?g_pufnGetTraceLoggerHandle@@3P6A_KPEAX@ZEA, rax ; unsigned __int64 (*g_pufnGetTraceLoggerHandle)(void *)
call cs:__imp_GetProcAddress
mov rcx, cs:?m_hModule@CEtwTracer@@0PEAUHINSTANCE__@@EA ; hModule
lea rdx, aGettraceenab_1 ; "GetTraceEnableFlags"
mov cs:?g_pufnGetTraceEnableLevel@@3P6AE_K@ZEA, rax ; uchar (*g_pufnGetTraceEnableLevel)(unsigned __int64)
call cs:__imp_GetProcAddress
mov rcx, cs:?m_hModule@CEtwTracer@@0PEAUHINSTANCE__@@EA ; hModule
lea rdx, aTraceevent ; "TraceEvent"
mov cs:?g_pufnGetTraceEnableFlags@@3P6AK_K@ZEA, rax ; ulong (*g_pufnGetTraceEnableFlags)(unsigned __int64)
call cs:__imp_GetProcAddress
mov cs:?g_pufnTraceEvent@@3P6AK_KPEAU_EVENT_TRACE_HEADER@@@ZEA, rax ; ulong (*g_pufnTraceEvent)(unsigned __int64,_EVENT_TRACE_HEADER *)
as you can see if ETW logging was disables all related ETW pfns will not be inited. So it`s enough to check in debugger values of
- g_pufnUnregisterTraceGuids
- g_pufnGetTraceEnableLevel
- g_pufnTraceEvent
- g_pufnGetTraceEnableFlags
- g_pufnGetTraceLoggerHandle
- g_pufnRegisterTraceGuids
If they contains NULL or some trash not from advapi32.dll - logging does not work
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