воскресенье, 9 июня 2024 г.

kotest fix for mips

kotest refused to count string literals for MIPS kernel modules. Reason was in that gcc does not put sizes/object types of unnamed string literals - it looks in asm files like
        .ascii  "const string %f\012\000"

At the same time it does for named literals:
        .type   fmt_msg, @object
        .size   fmt_msg, 15
        .ascii  "enter with %d\012\000"

I am too lazy to investigate which ancient specification from past century it follows. Fortunately this is easy repairable problem - just calculate size of symbol as distance to next one (or till end of section). Since I suspect that this is not the only architecture with similar gcc behavior, I add -f option to do such kind of sizes recalculation

Some results for mips32 kernel 6.0:
find ~/linux60/ -type f -name "*.ko" | xargs ./kotest | awk -f total.awk

potential memory savings is almost 1.9Mb from moving string literals used only in .init.text + yet almost 1.5Mb from unloading some unnecessary sections

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