понедельник, 6 сентября 2021 г.

linux-kernel per-cpu vars

It`s hard to believe but linux has degraded version of KPCR on windows - so called "per-cpu variables". This is some isolated memory assigned to CPU (stored in gs segment register on x64 and in MSR register c13 on arm64) and can contains some interesting fields. Why this is important to know offsets some of this variables? Well, I suspect that linux kernel contains much more code for espionage than windows (for example trace events, tracepoints, kprobes, usb_mon_register etc etc). One of such code is function user_return_notifier_register with which you can register your own notifications. Unfortunately this list of notifications stored in per-cpu variable return_notifier_list

And as usually there is no some include file with definition of all of this per-cpu fields. Moreover this offsets depend from config for kernel building and differ in each build. Sounds like nightmare, reason to turn off the computer and go drink vodka looking at the autumn rain.

Or not? Lets see in disasm some functions using this var - like fire_user_return_notifiers:
fire_user_return_notifiers proc near
 call    __fentry__ ; another entry for spy code
 mov     rax, offset unk_29450
 add     rax, gs:this_cpu_off ; .data..percpu:0000000000011368
 mov     rdi, [rax]

In this build return_notifier_list happens to have offset 0x29450 and this_cpu_off 0x11368. 
Well, we can use disasm to get offsets to both return_notifier_list & this_cpu_off and then write code like:
; rdi - this_cpu_off
; rsi - offset
mov rax, [gs:rdi]
add rax, rsi

Patch on github to extract this_cpu_off & return_notifier_list with some disasm magic

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