среда, 4 марта 2020 г.


since w8 Microsoft introduced for PnP devices management new structure with lots of function pointers - PiPnpRtlCtx

It`s called from lots of exported functions, but I think most comfortable for RE are IoOpenDeviceRegistryKeyIoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey. You can gather address of PiPnpRtlCtx with one pass of disassembling - it will be first loaded address in .data section after call to ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite

This structure allocating and partially initializing in function PnpCtxOpenMachine. There are at least 3 version with different size:
  • 0xac for 32 bit/0x158 for x64 - used in w8, w8.1 and in w10 up to est.build 14279
  • 0xb0 for 32 bit/0x160 for x64 - used in w10 up to est. build 16299
  • 0x10c for 32 bit/0x210 for x64 - used in w10 since est. build 17134
This struct has lots of pointer to functions (see also PiPnpRtlInit):

PiRtlObjectActionCallback offset0x98/0x1300x9c/0x1380xf8/0x1e8
PiRtlCmActionCallback offset0xa0/0x1400xa4/0x1480x100/0x1f8
PiRtlObjectEventCallback offset0x9c/0x1380xa0/0x1400xfc/0x1f0
PnpDispatchDevice offset0x44/0x880x48/0x900x9c/0x130
PnpDispatchInstallerClass offset0x48/0x900x4c/0x980xa0/0x138
PnpDispatchDeviceInterface offset0x4c/0x980x50/0xa00xa4/0x140
PnpDispatchInterfaceClass offset0x50/0xa00x54/0xa80xa8/0x148
PnpDispatchInterfaceClass offset0x54/0xa80x58/0xb00xac/0x150
PnpDispatchDevicePanel offset


There is also function PnpCtxSetNtPlugPlayRoutine which set up to 6 pfns:
  1. PiPnpRtlGetDeviceNtPropertyRoutine
  2. PiPnpRtlGetDeviceStatus
  3. PiPnpRtlGetDeviceRelatedDeviceRoutine
  4. PiPnpRtlGetDeviceRelationsList
  5. PiPnpRtlGetDeviceInterfaceEnabled
As you can assume with names of this functions by patching struct PiPnpRtlCtx we can have monitor of Pnp devices, their connecting, properties getting etc

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