.rdata:00000001C003D510 dq offset __guard_longjmp_table ; load_config 0ffset b0
.rdata:00000001C003D518 dq 1
Check __guard_longjmp_table:
GFIDS:00000001C0073DC4 __guard_longjmp_table dd 8282h
Image base is 1C0000000. Look at address 1C0000000 + 8282 = 1c0008282:
.text:00000001C000827D call _setjmp
.text:00000001C0008282 mov rbx, [rsp+38h+var_18]
It seems that this longjump return addresses checked in ntdll!RtlGuardCheckLongJumpTarget function:
.text:0000000180007E0E mov r8d, 0Ah ; IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG
.text:0000000180007E14 mov dl, 1
.text:0000000180007E16 call RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData
.text:0000000180007E1B mov rdx, rax
.text:0000000180007E1E test rax, rax
.text:0000000180007E21 jz short loc_180007E93
.text:0000000180007E23 mov eax, [rax] ; IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64.Size
.text:0000000180007E25 cmp eax, 0C0h
.text:0000000180007E2A jb short loc_180007E93
.text:0000000180007E2C cmp dword ptr [rsp+48h+arg_18], eax
.text:0000000180007E30 jnz short loc_180007E93
.text:0000000180007E32 test dword ptr [rdx+90h], 10000h
.text:0000000180007E3C jz short loc_180007E93
.text:0000000180007E3E mov eax, esi
.text:0000000180007E40 sub eax, dword ptr [rsp+48h+var_10]
.text:0000000180007E44 mov [rsp+48h+var_18], eax
.text:0000000180007E48 mov eax, [rdx+90h]
.text:0000000180007E4E mov r8, [rdx+0B8h] ; IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64.GuardLongJumpTargetCount
.text:0000000180007E55 shr eax, 1Ch
.text:0000000180007E58 add eax, 4
.text:0000000180007E5B test r8, r8
.text:0000000180007E5E jz loc_1800AD2B7
.text:0000000180007E64 and [rsp+48h+var_20], 0
.text:0000000180007E6A lea rcx, [rsp+48h+var_18] ; void *
.text:0000000180007E6F mov rdx, [rdx+0B0h] ; IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64.GuardLongJumpTargetTable
.text:0000000180007E76 mov r9d, eax ; size_t
.text:0000000180007E79 lea rax, RtlpTargetCompare
.text:0000000180007E80 mov [rsp+48h+var_28], rax
.text:0000000180007E85 call bsearch_s
.text:0000000180089970 RtlpTargetCompare proc near
.text:0000000180089970 mov eax, [rdx] ; load rva from
.text:0000000180089972 sub eax, [r8]
.text:0000000180089975 retn
.text:0000000180089975 RtlpTargetCompare endp
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