I think it`s easy to detect from wincheck log with some simple perl script like this one:
#!perl -w
# Lame script to check processes token hijaq
# 30 Apr 2012 (C) RedPlait
use strict; use warnings; sub parse { my $fname = shift; my %hdb; my($fh, $str, $pid, $token); open($fh, '<', $fname) or die("Cannot open $fname, error $!"); while( $str = <$fh> ) { chomp $str; next if ( $str !~ /Process PID (\d+) token: (.*)$/ ); $pid = int($1); $token = $2; if ( exists $hdb{$token} ) { printf("Process %d has the same token as %d !\n", $pid, $hdb{$token}); } else { $hdb{$token} = $pid; } } close $fh; } parse $_ foreach @ARGV;