суббота, 5 мая 2012 г.

Programming Windows Security

Reading this old but still good book I stumbled upon this code sample:

HANDLE getEffectiveToken(
 DWORD dwDesiredAccess,
 BOOL bWantlmpToken,
 HANDLE htok;

 // Try to get thread token
 if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), dwDesiredAccess, TRUE, &htok))
  return htok;
 else if (ERROR_NO_TOKEN == GetLastError())
  // No thread tokens, we must get process token
  DWORD grfAccess = bWantlmpToken ?
      TOKEN_DUPLICATE : dwDesiredAccess;
  if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), grfAccess, &htok))   
   if (bWantImpToken)
    // convert primary to impersonation token
    HANDLE htokImp;
    if (!DuplicateTokenEx(htok, dwDesiredAccess, 0,
     impLevel, TokenImpersonation, &htokImp))   
     htokImp = 0;
    return htokImp;
    return htok;
 return 0;

BOOL WINAPI CheckTokenMembership(HANDLE TokenHandle,
   PSID SidToCheck, PBOOL IsMember)
 // if no token was passed, CTM uses the effective
 // security context (the thread or process token)
 if (!TokenHandle)
  TokenHandle = getEffectiveToken(
     TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, SecurityIdentification);
 if (!TokenHandle) return FALSE;
 ... // irrelevant code skipped
 return AccessCheck(&sd, TokenHandle, 1, &gm, &ps, &cb, &ga, IsMember);

Can you see handles leakage here ?
This code missed CloseHandle(TokenHandle) when TokenHandle was obtained from getEffectiveToken

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