.text:00000001401AF700 6A 01 00 90 ADRP X10, #aSystemrootSy_0@PAGE ; "\\SystemRoot\\System32\\Drivers\\crashd"...
.text:00000001401AF704 48 C1 09 91 ADD X8, X10, #aSystemrootSy_0@PAGEOFF ; "\\SystemRoot\\System32\\Drivers\\crashd"...
Output from cmdline disasm for each of opcodes:
armpatched.exe 6A010090
Disassembled: adrp x10, 2c000
This instruction is AD_INSTR_ADRP and is part of group AD_G_DataProcessingImmediate
This instruction has 4 decode fields (from left to right):
0x1, 0, 0xb, 0xa
This instruction has 2 operands (from left to right):
This operand is of type AD_OP_REG
Register: x10 size 40
This operand is of type AD_OP_IMM
Immediate type: AD_IMM_ULONG
Value: 0x2c000
armpatched.exe 48C10991
Disassembled: add x8, x10, #0x270
This instruction is AD_INSTR_ADD and is part of group AD_G_DataProcessingImmediate
This instruction has 7 decode fields (from left to right):
0x1, 0, 0, 0, 0x270, 0xa, 0x8
This instruction has 3 operands (from left to right):
This operand is of type AD_OP_REG
Register: x8 size 40
This operand is of type AD_OP_REG
Register: x10 size 40
This operand is of type AD_OP_IMM
Immediate type: AD_IMM_ULONG
Value: 0x270
What are the options?