воскресенье, 3 октября 2021 г.

what linux hiding

there is no doubt that the list below is incomplete, inaccurate etc - it`s just what very average programmer can find during two month of browsing linux source code

observability criteria
what I mean under "hiding"? It means that
  • no kernel API to enumerate some structure
  • no real-time notifications about setting some hook
  • no mapping on /proc or /sys (however this method is not reliable)
  • no 3rd party tools to show this. As an example I chose volatility - just bcs I readed their folio "The Art of Memory Forensics"
So you unable to see them

notification chains
very ironic that they have API like register_XXX_notifier/unregister_XXX_notifier and there is no function like enum_XXX_notifier
no mapping on /proc or /sys
volatility checks only very limited set - vt_notifier_list & keyboard_notifier_list

no API to enum clients
no notification about turning on some tracepoint
has mapping to /sys/kernel/tracing/events but can`t show clients of some tracepoint
volatility - no

no API to enum consumers of some installed KPROBE
no notification about installing new kprobe. This is an extremely sad fact - for example tools like LKRG don`t knows that some memory was patched
has mapping to /sys/kernel/debug/kprobes/
volatility - no

no API to enum consumers of some installed UPROBE
no notification about installing new uprobe
has mapping to /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/uprobe_events. Most crazy thing is that uprobes installed from kernel not shown
volatility - no

filesystem notifications
no API to enum all installed marks
for usermode events has notification via security_path_notify, for kernelmode - absolutely not
has very limited mapping to /proc/*/fdinfo/*. Again marks installed from kernel not shown
volatility - no

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