KiServiceLimit .eq. 0x1c5
понедельник, 19 декабря 2016 г.
вторник, 15 ноября 2016 г.
W32pServiceTableFilter from windows 10 build 14951 x64
kd> ? nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter
Evaluate expression: -8795428636992 = fffff800`2799b6c0
kd> dps fffff800`2799b6c0
fffff800`2799b6c0 fffff800`278f4450 nt!KiServiceTable
fffff800`2799b6c8 00000000`00000000
fffff800`2799b6d0 00000000`000001c4
fffff800`2799b6d8 fffff800`278f4b64 nt!KiArgumentTable
fffff800`2799b6e0 ffffa344`ba544bc0 win32k!W32pServiceTableFilter
fffff800`2799b6e8 00000000`00000000
fffff800`2799b6f0 00000000`0000049c
fffff800`2799b6f8 ffffa344`ba5462d4 win32k!W32pArgumentTableFilter
среда, 9 ноября 2016 г.
rfg longjumps
In IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY64 there are two fields for setjmp/longjmp support - GuardLongJumpTargetTable & GuardLongJumpTargetCount. Lets see some module where this fields are not zero - for example hal.dll
воскресенье, 30 октября 2016 г.
WORD Flags; // Flags to indicate if CI information is available, etc.
WORD Catalog; // 0xFFFF means not available
DWORD CatalogOffset;
DWORD Reserved; // Additional bitmask to be defined later
пятница, 28 октября 2016 г.
how to find nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter
Unfortunately all xrefs to KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter are from non-exported functions, for example PsConvertToGuiThread:
But we can use signatures search for part of test dword ptr [edi+2E8h], 18000h.
test dword ptr [edi+2E8h], 18000h ; EPROCESS.Flags3
jnz short loc_6CAD9D
mov dword ptr [esi+3Ch], offset _KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter
But we can use signatures search for part of test dword ptr [edi+2E8h], 18000h.
среда, 19 октября 2016 г.
rfg patches in windows 10 build 14942
Lets see for example body of function user32!GetCursor:
and in debugger:
dramatic differences ! it seems that this code has some compiler support and changes in kernel
.text:00000001800026E0 GetCursor proc near .text:00000001800026E0 66 90 xchg ax, ax
.text:00000001800026E2 0F 1F 80 00 00 00 00 nop dword ptr [rax+00000000h]
.text:00000001800026E9 B9 06 00 00 00 mov ecx, 6
.text:00000001800026EE 48 FF 25 EB 76 09 00 jmp cs:__imp_NtUserGetThreadState
.text:00000001800026EE GetCursor endp
.text:00000001800026F5 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 db 8 dup(90h)
and in debugger:
0:007> ? user32!GetCursor
Evaluate expression: 140732937348832 = 00007ffe`f0bd26e0
0:007> u 00007ffe`f0bd26e0
00007ffe`f0bd26e0 488b0424 mov rax,qword ptr [rsp]
00007ffe`f0bd26e4 6448890424 mov qword ptr fs:[rsp],rax
00007ffe`f0bd26e9 b906000000 mov ecx,6
00007ffe`f0bd26ee 644c8b1c24 mov r11,qword ptr fs:[rsp]
00007ffe`f0bd26f3 4c3b1c24 cmp r11,qword ptr [rsp]
00007ffe`f0bd26f7 0f85a3e40300 jne USER32!_guard_ss_verify_failure (00007ffe`f0c10ba0)
00007ffe`f0bd26fd 48ff25dc760900 jmp qword ptr [USER32!_imp_NtUserGetThreadState (00007ffe`f0c69de0)]
dramatic differences ! it seems that this code has some compiler support and changes in kernel
понедельник, 10 октября 2016 г.
another cross-process scan
you can use EPROCESS.WnfContext to find list of processes. Lets see how this can be done:
kd> ? nt!ExpWnfProcessesListHead
Evaluate expression: -8781752063864 = fffff803`56c9a888
kd> dp fffff803`56c9a888
fffff803`56c9a888 fffff8a0`00125750 fffff8a0`021fb760
fffff803`56c9a898 00000000`00840082 fffff803`56a43460
fffff803`56c9a8a8 00000000`00120010 fffff803`56a43448
fffff803`56c9a8b8 00000000`00000060 00000000`00000058
fffff803`56c9a8c8 fffff803`56693df0 fffff803`56693dd8
fffff803`56c9a8d8 00000000`00760074 fffff803`56a41cd0
fffff803`56c9a8e8 00000000`00240022 fffff803`56a416c0
fffff803`56c9a8f8 00000000`00140012 fffff803`56a416a8
kd> !pool fffff8a0`00125750 2
Pool page fffff8a000125750 region is Paged pool
*fffff8a000125730 size: f0 previous size: 90 (Allocated) *Wnf
Pooltag Wnf : Windows Notification Facility, Binary : nt!wnf
kd> dp fffff8a0`00125740
fffff8a0`00125740 00000000`00d80906 fffffa80`018a46c0
fffff8a0`00125750 fffff8a0`0010b9e0 fffff803`56c9a888
fffff8a0`00125760 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
fffff8a0`00125770 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
fffff8a0`00125780 fffff8a0`020c5a50 fffff8a0`00f03690
fffff8a0`00125790 00000000`00000000 fffff8a0`00129028
fffff8a0`001257a0 fffff8a0`015ee5c8 00000000`00000000
fffff8a0`001257b0 fffff8a0`001257b0 fffff8a0`001257b0
kd> !process fffffa80`018a46c0 0
PROCESS fffffa80018a46c0
SessionId: none Cid: 0004 Peb: 00000000 ParentCid: 0000
DirBase: 00187000 ObjectTable: fffff8a000003000 HandleCount:
Image: System
kd> dp fffff8a0`0010b9d0
fffff8a0`0010b9d0 00000000`00d80906 fffffa80`038b4940
fffff8a0`0010b9e0 fffff8a0`058ed020 fffff8a0`00125750
fffff8a0`0010b9f0 fffff8a0`00117f40 00000000`00000000
fffff8a0`0010ba00 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
fffff8a0`0010ba10 fffff8a0`0010ba10 fffff8a0`0010ba10
fffff8a0`0010ba20 00000000`00000000 fffff8a0`0010b938
fffff8a0`0010ba30 fffff8a0`0587f968 00000000`00000000
fffff8a0`0010ba40 fffff8a0`0010ba40 fffff8a0`0010ba40
kd> !process fffffa80`038b4940 0
PROCESS fffffa80038b4940
SessionId: 0 Cid: 0148 Peb: 7f630624000 ParentCid: 0140
DirBase: 10feb000 ObjectTable: fffff8a000555cc0 HandleCount:
Image: csrss.exe
вторник, 4 октября 2016 г.
simple wnf id decoder
extern "C" int __stdcall check_id(PDWORD); extern "C" int __stdcall get_wnf_value(PDWORD); int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { if ( argc == 3 ) { wchar_t *end; DWORD ids[2]; ids[0] = wcstoul(argv[1], &end, 16); ids[1] = wcstoul(argv[2], &end, 16); int whut = check_id(ids); if ( whut ) printf("invalid pair\n"); else printf("id1 %X id2 %X index %d\n", ids[0] ^ 0xA3BC0074, ids[1] ^ 0x41C64E6D, get_wnf_value(ids) ); }
return 0;
the main part of code is functions check_id & get_wnf_value. I am too lazy so just ripped piece of code from ntoskrnl.exe!ExpCaptureWnfStateName function:
четверг, 22 сентября 2016 г.
среда, 31 августа 2016 г.
bugs in mbedtls DH client/server
1) altough always used constant MBEDTLS_MD_SHA256 parameters are signed with sha1 and then we have MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_VERIFY_FAILED in library\rsa.c on line 1435
2) in dh_server.c when receiving client's public value length of buffer must be dhm.len
Nice cryptolibrary, totally ready to work in kernel mode I think
2) in dh_server.c when receiving client's public value length of buffer must be dhm.len
Nice cryptolibrary, totally ready to work in kernel mode I think
вторник, 30 августа 2016 г.
how to build mbedtls-2.3.0 with wdk7
Lets say that you want to have some Diffie-Hellman-Merkle algorithm & hmac inside your driver. I found plain C library mbedtls which is very suitable for this, but has one minor problem - it does not support wdk7. So I just made port for it
вторник, 9 августа 2016 г.
ida 6.95 has been released
useful changes:
useful changes:
- PE: added detection of entry point from incremental linking by Visual Studio
- FLIRT: added signatures for Windows Driver Kits 7-10
- FLIRT: added detection of GsDriverEntry for Windows Drivers
четверг, 28 июля 2016 г.
среда, 13 июля 2016 г.
Under windows 10 there are some very strange objects in root directory
They are created by Filter Manager (fltmgr.sys) and is used for communication between user-mode applications and filesystem minifilters. Lets see how we can enumerate and dump this
They are created by Filter Manager (fltmgr.sys) and is used for communication between user-mode applications and filesystem minifilters. Lets see how we can enumerate and dump this
четверг, 30 июня 2016 г.
tcpip port pools in fresh windows 10 builds
It seems that old good TcpPortPool & UdpPortPool were removed since est. build 14251 and were replaced with more complex structure stored in TcpCompartmentSet & UdpCompartmentSet
Lets see how we can get access to port pools
from InetCreatePortPool:
some memory was alloced with tag InPP. Time for windbg
Lets see how we can get access to port pools
from InetCreatePortPool:
push 50506E49h ; Tag
push 26A8h ; NumberOfBytes
mov edi, ecx
mov esi, edx
push 200h ; PoolType
mov [ebp+var_4], edi
call ds:__imp__ExAllocatePoolWithTag@12
some memory was alloced with tag InPP. Time for windbg
среда, 8 июня 2016 г.
среда, 25 мая 2016 г.
KiServiceTable from w10 build 14342 x64
In healthy windows (for example w10 build 14332) KiServiceTable looks like:
And in w10 build 14342 like:
so I had to write a IDC script to convert this offsets to normal view:
KiServiceLimit .eq. 0x1c2
.rdata:00000001402DE4C0 KiServiceTable dq offset NtAccessCheck ; DATA XREF: KiInitializeKernel+5EF o
.rdata:00000001402DE4C8 dq offset NtWorkerFactoryWorkerReady
.rdata:00000001402DE4D0 dq offset NtAcceptConnectPort
.rdata:00000001402DE4D8 dq offset NtMapUserPhysicalPagesScatter
And in w10 build 14342 like:
.rdata:00000001402E1380 KiServiceTable dd 0DECCCh ; DATA XREF: KiInitializeKernel+600 o
.rdata:00000001402E1384 dd 0E44ECh
.rdata:00000001402E1388 dd 4E3470h
.rdata:00000001402E138C db 20h
.rdata:00000001402E138D db 0AFh ; ï
.rdata:00000001402E138E db 64h ; d
.rdata:00000001402E138F db 0
so I had to write a IDC script to convert this offsets to normal view:
#include<idc.idc> static get_pe_base() { auto addr, segm; addr = GetLongPrm(INF_MIN_EA); segm = SegByName("HEADER"); if ( segm != BADADDR ) return addr; return addr - 0x1000; // ditry hack } static main(void) { auto base, cnt, addr, tab, i; base = get_pe_base(); addr = LocByName("KiServiceLimit"); if ( addr == BADADDR ) { Warn("Cannot find KiServiceLimit"); return; } cnt = Dword(addr); tab = LocByName("KiServiceTable"); if ( tab == BADADDR ) { Warn("Cannot find KiServiceTable"); return; } for ( i = 0; i < cnt; i++, tab = tab + 4 ) { MakeDword(tab); addr = Dword(tab); MakeComm(tab, sprintf("%x", addr + base)); add_dref(tab, addr + base, dr_O); } }
KiServiceLimit .eq. 0x1c2
воскресенье, 24 апреля 2016 г.
суббота, 23 апреля 2016 г.
пятница, 22 апреля 2016 г.
четверг, 21 апреля 2016 г.
wincheck rc8.56
- add support of windows 10rtm, build 14279 & 14295
- add dumping of g_pAuditingFuncs
- add dumping of hal!InterruptController
- add dumping of PICO. Sample of output:
PspPicoProviderRoutines at FFFFF803D2F42EA0:
DispatchSystemCall: FFFFF803B997B4B0 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS
ExitThread: FFFFF803B997B4E0 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS
ExitProcess: FFFFF803B997B450 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS
DispatchException: FFFFF803B997B1E0 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS
ProcessTerminate: FFFFF803B997B480 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS
WalkUserStack: FFFFF803B997B630 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS
ProtectedRanges: FFFFF803B9930400 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS
GetAllocatedProcessImageName: FFFFF803B997B650 \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\LXCORE.SYS - fix wnf identifiers
- fix WFP callouts for w8.1 & w10
- lots of bugs were fixed
понедельник, 18 апреля 2016 г.
Nice piece of code from lsasrv:
This table used in SrvPrepKeyIso & LsapInitCNGAuditing functions:
_GetCngAuditFunctions@4 proc near ; CODE XREF: SrvPrepKeyIso(x)+33p
; LsapInitCNGAuditing()+Dp
test ecx, ecx
jz short loc_5095F661
mov dword ptr [ecx], offset _AuditFunctionTable
xor eax, eax
_AuditFunctionTable db 1
db 0
db 0
db 0
dd offset _CngAdtSelfTest@12 ; offset 4
dd offset _CngAdtKeyFileOperation@32 ; offset 8
dd offset _CngAdtKeyMigrationOperation@28 ; offset C
dd offset _CngAdtVerificationFailure@24 ; offset 10
dd offset _CngAdtCryptOperation@28 ; offset 14
dd offset _CngAdtPrimitiveFailure@16 ; offset 18
This table used in SrvPrepKeyIso & LsapInitCNGAuditing functions:
четверг, 17 марта 2016 г.
понедельник, 14 марта 2016 г.
apisetschema.dll from windows 10 build 14279
Several new modules was added:
- onecoreuap-print-render
- onecoreuap-settingsync-status
- win-core-ums
- win-gdi-internal-uap
- net-eap-sim
- win-audiocore-coreaudiopolicymanager
- win-casting-shell
- win-com-psmregister
- win-desktopappx
- win-direct2d-desktop
- win-dx-ddraw
- win-gaming-xinput
- win-kernelbase-packagebreakaway
- win-media-avi
- win-mf-vfw
- win-ntuser-private
- win-rtcore-ntuser-wmpointer
- win-security-shutdownext
- win-uwf-servicing-apis
четверг, 3 марта 2016 г.
lxcore syscall table
I can`t get symbols for lxcore.sys so I just write simple idc scipt. Each item in table has very simple structure:
IDC script to dump syscall table from lxcore.sys:
And table itself
PAGE:00000001C0046620 imul r14, r12, 38h ; size of item in syscall table
PAGE:00000001C0046624 mov r15, rax
PAGE:00000001C0046627 lea rax, lx_ssdt
PAGE:00000001C004662E add r14, rax
PAGE:00000001C0046631 cmp r12, 136h ; count of items in syscall table
PAGE:00000001C0046638 jnb loc_1C00467AE
string with name of method and arguments located at offset 0x10IDC script to dump syscall table from lxcore.sys:
#include <idc.idc>
static main(void)
auto addr, name, fp, idx, s_addr;
fp = fopen("lx.dmp", "w");
if ( !fp )
addr = 0x1C0008110;
for ( idx = 0; idx < 0x136; idx = idx + 1, addr = addr + 0x38 )
s_addr = Qword(addr + 0x10);
fprintf(fp, "%X\t", idx);
if ( s_addr != 0 )
// dump string
for ( ; ; s_addr = s_addr + 1 )
name = Byte(s_addr);
if ( !name )
fprintf(fp, "%c", name);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
And table itself
пятница, 8 января 2016 г.
On holydays I read book "LLVM Cookbook" (not very good - lots of meaningless copy-pasted code blocks are annoying) and played a bit with fresh llvm-3.7.1 (was released 5 january)
So I decided to check whether it is possible to implement MS CFG in llvm. I have two news - good and bad, as usually
Good: yes, you can easy add instrumentation in llvm - just add some plugin for IR derived from FunctionPass and add call to your guard_check_icall before each VTBL call (or even on any ptr call). I think it will take one day for any CS-student
Bad: you need integration with MS linker and it seems that support of CFG in COFF files is totally undocumented. LLVM itself cannot make load_config and even more - their definition of coff_load_configuration in include\llvm\Object\COFF.h has no fields for CFG (like GuardCFCheckFunctionPointer and GuardCFFunctionTable)
So I decided to check whether it is possible to implement MS CFG in llvm. I have two news - good and bad, as usually
Good: yes, you can easy add instrumentation in llvm - just add some plugin for IR derived from FunctionPass and add call to your guard_check_icall before each VTBL call (or even on any ptr call). I think it will take one day for any CS-student
Bad: you need integration with MS linker and it seems that support of CFG in COFF files is totally undocumented. LLVM itself cannot make load_config and even more - their definition of coff_load_configuration in include\llvm\Object\COFF.h has no fields for CFG (like GuardCFCheckFunctionPointer and GuardCFFunctionTable)